Grazing The Range

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Goose? How About the Gander?

                 In the pit of my stomach I have felt a sickness for the division of this country in recent months. This country is so hurting and many who stand to gain from its separation are manipulating the facts to cultivate their crop of kickbacks.
                There is no animosity here, I am just fed up with the blabbing games that many are playing to get the upper hand; rather the upper funds, and, all falsely in the name of God, patriotism or our safety. They are lying to folks, and the game is getting deadly for this country we all live in and serve.  Our kids are dying defending some elusive, vague goal where most of the combat deaths are a result not of fighting for liberty, but defending fuel convoys that feed the war machine. We are being told by some these days that “real Americans” are a select group of us and otherwise have no business demanding attention. It makes me sick that the media and the internet is being used for propaganda to oil only selective monetary parts of our melting pot we were so proud of only a generation ago. The honking is so loud, misleading and blatantly divisive people cannot hear what is truly being said.
Ms. Ann Coulter regarding protesters demanding attention from politicians and bankers to make things right for all Americans, threw verbal divisionary rocks at the crowd by saying,
I am not the first to note the vast differences between the Wall Street protesters and the tea partiers. To name three: The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point.

Um…what is the point? I have been under the impression that “jobs” and the economy were the point. Why the change of direction Ann? Perhaps the economy was never “the point” for you huh? Perhaps media is starting to pay without the messiness and energy of political office? Either way, my Mother would have washed her mouth out with soap for that incredible disrespect.
 I listened to a WWII Veteran who hauled his 80 something year old body to the Wall Street movement; he was fed up with the banks and the investors on Wall Street and the politicians and media like Coulter sticking up for them and rightfully so.  The banks did fraudulent things by bundling loans and selling them over and over again to the point that no one has a clue who owns a given mortgage and then pocketing the change. They were gambling knowing full well their big house of cards was going to fall and it did with Americans smashed under the debris.  Many of the financial players got out before the collapse of their stretched out scheme, some did not, but no one has been held to bear at this point. There is legal action from all 50 states that has recently come to the front, but by and large it is business as usual on Wall Street and people like her are defending it?
I find it curious, and in some cases like Ms. Coulter’s, downright infuriating that American media and some politicians have largely ignored the issue of fraudulent activity yet many have used the fallout as a football for their own devices.  They have used our pitiful state to win at all cost and float only the goose with the golden egg while the gander is plucked right down to the skin.
Ms. Coulter was not alone in her sudden flurry of condemnation of the other Americans and their protests; House Majority Leader Eric Cantor clamped his foot between his teeth as well hollering at the Oct. 7th Values Voters Summit that somehow there was a real difference between the outcry of the Tea Party folks and the Wall Street protests:  "If you read the newspapers today, I, for one, am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country. And believe it or not, some in this town, have actually condoned the pitting of Americans against Americans. But you sent us here to fight for you and all Americans. He seemed to feel no such concern in November 10,2010 in this interview segment on Fox Business with Don Imus:
Don Imus:Wouldn’t it be fair to suggest, though, that the Tea Party is more than just a few nuts with funny signs and funny hats. It represents the sentiment of most people who were upset with what was going on, don’t you think? I mean, even people identify with them, they might not identify themselves as a Tea Partyer, but they certainly share the same concerns and feelings they do. That’s fair, isn’t it?”
             Cantor:Tea Party is an organic movement. This is not some movement that started in Washington. It’s about the people. And that’s what, I think, the message from this election is about. Get the government in D.C. working for the people again and not the other way around. “ 
 Cantor:I think the Tea Party has a lot to do with the energy that came out at the polls because they’re like the tip of the spear. They represent and reflect the frustration that Americans have at what’s going on in Washington.”

                What is going on in Washington Mr. Cantor? This is the same guy who along with many others in the House of Representatives has not considered one proposal coming either from the President or the Senate to get this country back on track. Nor have they offered any suggestions for recovery other than following the tax cuts that were done in both 2001 and 2003 and followed by several more from the Obama administration with no definitive results.  He obviously has little intention of representing Americans as a whole for you cannot even use his web form to contact him unless you are from his voting district. In that blatant defiance he is certainly not alone for Michelle Bachman denies Americans at large access as well, and she is a Presidential candidate. What have we come to America?
                Similarly caught up in the fervor of hypocritical best moments the Reverend Robert Jeffress of Dallas, Texas is calling on the Republican evangelicals to not support Mitt Romney for the 2012 Presidential candidate because he isn’t Christian enough. First of all, what say does he have in our government where the recently picked apart constitution assures separation of church and state? Think about it; do we really want to include religion in government when the Christian religion cannot even decide who is in, and who is out? And, what religion is it that we pick to include in government?
                Not to be left out of the Nobel Prize for the science of feathered friends is Presidential candidate Herman Cain who speculated on the Wall Street demonstrations and then scolded Americans while fully admitting…I don't have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration. Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself! ... It is not a person's fault if they succeeded; it is a person's fault if they failed."
            I have to say while there are those who certainly lean on the shovel and some who used really poor judgment in personal finance,  the vast majority of unemployed Americans would like nothing better than to have one of the jobs that were taken overseas. Or have the construction jobs that are given to illegal’s for the exploitation of cheap labor. Or, have their homes back that were bogusly mortgaged with no option of re-financing because the banks do not know who holds the mortgage. They would give their eye teeth for their 401K’s to be balanced where they left them when they went to bed nearly four years ago on the eve of economic collapse. They would, across the board want a chance for their kids to go to college and jump the ever widening gap between the have’s and the have not’s. They want big business out of our government, not out of our lives as some have suggested. Lastly, they want the regulations put back in place that at one time prevented this fraudulent banking from happening, just as the banks have been regulated since the Great Depression when crooked practices broke our parents and grandparents. The only ones these regulations were hurting were the crooked ones in a place of trust tempted to go for the gusto with someone else’s money. Where I come from it is considered embezzling and is prosecuted, not rewarded nor supported.
                Cantor comes by his comparative views honestly enough, for one movement no doubt lines his pockets and the other taketh away.  Herman Cain is on banking boards that make money on saps like the ones marching on Wall Street and has use for the abolition of regulations. All of the noise out there has reason behind it, but that does not mean it is good for us as a whole; and a whole is what democracy is all about.
Folks are not looking down the road when they follow the tax ending pied pipers who promise liberty and justice for all; whoever “all” is. There is certainly government waste that has been rampant for the last 60 years, but cutting many of the programs including education is a bit of a bloodletting that was found by our forefathers of democracy to cure no ills. For example in short: cutting programs altogether like education will come back to cost us locally in our judicial systems and prisons where lack of education will equate to delinquency, and that in will turn pull people out of production. Federal highway monies that subsidize the states, which in turn subsidize the cities, will throw a huge burden on taxpayers locally. Sure there is room for states, counties and cities to cull their financial obligations to make up for shortcomings, but it will take time to sort it out and in the meantime individuals will be burdened far more than they are at this time. Lastly the very top of the chain of our tax system earners do not even pay into Social Security and have loopholes right now that you could drive a semi through.
That is another subject for another time; my point is that much of what is broadcast from the politicians and media honkers is designed to inject policy for their chosen corporate charity by pitting the flock against each other and we had better learn to sort it out. In my hay meadow, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but the honking is deafening us to the point that we do not hear what they are really saying.

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